Thursday, February 12, 2004

There is no remembrance of former things

I have been repeatedly listening to a song by the Books called "Take Time." It makes me think about what it's like to be me and Matt.

That which is now, and that which is to be, has already been.
For the first time in the history of the world, a young girl climbed into a tree one day. She climbed down from the tree next day. God bless her.

Life repeats itself for everyone - everyone dies, everyone is happy sometimes and sad sometimes. Nothing ever happens for the first time in the world. But it could be the first time for the girl in the tree, and it could be the first time for us. We've been together for long enough that not many things are new, but it doesn't matter. Some things can be significant no matter how many times they happen.

Something is happening that is not happening.

When people realize they are in love, they have probably already been in love for some time. Important things often happen that way: when people get married, they're already privately united. When they split up, they've already separated before they say the words. For some things, it's impossible to point out when they happened, but you just have to acknowledge that they did. Other things happen without being acknowledged - when I get out of bed Matt turns around in his sleep to hug where I was.

There is no new thing under the sun.

Happy early Valentine's day, today and every day.

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