Thursday, February 05, 2004

don't worry I do not seriously want to get married, girls just think about these things

Several people I know are planning weddings (one is this weekend), and it's got me thinking about that whole thing. Back when it was a new thing for everyone to be planning a wedding, I thought that if I had one I'd want to have some large ceremony with the dress and everything, and find some way to make it huge and significant even though I don't have any built-in meaning to the ceremony like religious types do. But now I keep hearing about the stress of planning weddings, and my (unspoken) response is increasingly, "Why not just hold hands in front of a justice of the peace and have done with it?" This is not a new question to ask by any means, but it's the first time I've asked it and not had my inner little girl go, "Aww, but I wanted to dress up in something white and sparkly!" To ask "Why not?" and have this absence of response: that's new. I'd still throw a party afterward, and people could dress up and make toasts and everything, but I'd probably wear red or something.

I learned about push-hands today at taiji, which was fun and interesting. Different people have very different ways of practicing it, especially when they're new at it: men push hard, stiffly, and fast, and some women hardly push at all.

p.s: Casey was wrong in that one comment he posted to Lisa's blog and probably forgot by now: Up with skirts!

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