Thursday, February 26, 2004

it was fine at the time but the laws have changed

I am angry at everyone who is against gay marriage, and confounded by the subset of those people who are not religious. I've met some, so I know they exist. I'm pretty sure my mom is one. Is it because they think gay sex is gross? I think my mom having sex is also gross, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be allowed to be married.

My short list of books to read is getting too long to be called a short list. It now includes Gravity's Rainbow, The Virgin Suicides, Written on the Body, Reading Lolita in Teheran, and The Paradox of Choice, plus several others that pop on and off the list depending on my mood. This has already happened to my previously-short list of new music to listen to. I think I've told myself to go out and get at least 10 or 15 new albums, none of which I've actually picked up, or even downloaded. I'm such a slacker.

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