Friday, January 02, 2004

Hey, what's Festivus?

Merry Christmas and New Year and everything, everybody. This is the second winter vacation in a row we've spent at Matt's house, and I'm starting to miss some of the Michigan-specific things I'm used to. My mom came to Chicago for the weekend, and she had to bring me some nuts & oranges so I wouldn't be lonely. And apparently Matt thinks bubble lights are dumb; if he thinks that then he is definitely not with it.

Matt got a pretty nasty cold and fell asleep around 9 pm on NYE - I ended up skipping one of the parties we'd planned (where I would only know two people) and going to the second one by myself. It was more fun than that last bit makes it sound. We played games until our attention spans got too short, which didn't take too long. Then everyone got all hedonistic. People were there that I haven't seen all year, I drank three different kinds of champagne, and at 5:30 everyone went to sleep (me under the kitchen table). After breakfast some kuk sool friends and I did some grappling. I gave a few people a ride home, picked up Matt, and we had dinner with A. (and a different A. at whose house she was staying). I wasn't back at Matt's house (not counting a short shirt-changing stop) until 9 pm or so. I think he felt a little left out. That's what he gets for hanging out with germs.

You'd think today I'd be tired, but I just want to go out again. I'll see what I can do.

np: The Angels of Light - Kosinski

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