Friday, March 27, 2009


I went to two BJJ-related seminars in the past month, and they have kick-started my motivation to do lots of BJJ. The problem is that I am supposed to be working on my thesis, so I can't actually train as much as I would like to. There's also the chance that once I get done with the thesis-writing, my motivation will evaporate.

But! The thesis will be substantially finished today, if all goes well. And it'll be really really complete by Monday (after I build and measure the antenna I'm tweaking). The sooner I do this stuff, the sooner I can start kickin' ass.

I had an ass-kicking-related dream last night, too. I was at a conference or tournament (I'm not sure which) and a guy I didn't know kept trying to grab various parts of me. Wrist, chest, arm, head, whatever. And I kept beating him up. That's actually pretty unusual for me, because normally I fail at dream-fighting. For some reason it worked this time. I was really vicious, too. The guy would grab me, I would choke him out or punch him (there was one time I kneed him in the head), he'd quit, and I'd walk away. Then he'd turn up again. I should be tired from a night that active, but I feel pretty ok.

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