Friday, November 21, 2003

Lucky Catastrophe

On Monday, it rained and my roof leaked. No ruined yearbooks this time - instead, a ruined lease: I was going to re-lease this apartment next year. But since this exact spot on the roof leaked before, and they told me they had fixed it way back then, I don't think I really trust them to do anything properly anymore. Finding out, two days before I was going to sign the new lease, that they lied about this is actually somewhat fortuitous, though. I could've been stuck with the place for another year. Instead, I've been reading classified ads all week, and I'll probably start seriously looking around after the holidays.

Last night, L. and I went out for chocolate. The two-story chocolate bar is an expensive but wonderful place. Then we walked around outside, saw a dude playing saxophone on the steps of the agriculture building (go figure), and visited the mini-gallery in the Union. It was the winners and runners-up of a photography contest, many of which were actually interesting. Some were just gimmicky, though. One was a longish exposure of a car driving at night: my thought is, if had to look semi-abstract and technical, I wish it had used a technique that took me longer to figure out.
I think the judges of this contest had a thing for pictures like that, though - another one was of a street-drawing guy drawing a woman (in sharp focus) while cars streaked by in the background. Same technique, but a bit more interesting. Still, I think it's overused.

Edit: I forgot to note that the haircut I got yesterday afternoon is still rockin' today. I am having a sexy hair day, I tell you what.

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