Thursday, November 06, 2003

Boys Against Girls

P.'s comment about my X-2 post illustrates one of the oft-cited man/woman differences. I think this difference is better attributed to a science/humanities split, or a thinking/feeling split, or even a hard science/soft science split. Or a sane person/overachiever split. Or fighty/conciliatory. In any case, the generalization is that women like to talk about how they feel, how they should feel, and how they'd like to feel, while men like to talk about what to do.

It's strange that P. is actually one of the least macho-masculine guys I know, but he's got the most male communication style. In fact, I don't think I've really ever noticed any other instance of this phenomenon. I wonder how womanly I am in conversation.

In any case, I will probably buy X-2 when it becomes available. In the meantime, I want to talk about how I feel about X-2. I feel excited.

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