Thursday, July 24, 2008


Before yesterday, the last time I went to yoga had been almost a year ago. I had just got my dog, and I was terrified she would chew something up or pee all over my house. Meditating while my brain was focused on her chewing up my iPod was pretty much impossible. I hadn't yet settled into a routine with her, and kept worrying that I wasn't paying enough attention to her, getting her enough exercise, training her enough -- basically I had working mom guilt, but about my dog. So I couldn't concentrate. It was so distracting that I ended up leaving in the middle of class. My reasoning was, "What will relax me? What do I need? I need to keep an eye on my dog."

But now Petra and I have figured out how to live with each other, so yesterday I went to yoga (for the first time in about a year) and it was totally awesome. I am definitely starting up again.

In other news, I pulled a gigantic hair clog out of my bathtub drain this morning. The drain had been slow for a while. I wasn't sure I would be able to fix it because I had never even looked in there before, but it was in fact very easy and only a little bit disgusting.

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