Sunday, May 13, 2007


Sunday morning I read Ender's Game, which Matt gave me for Christmas. For a long time, I'd been planning on reading it but the time never seemed right. That's partly because I have weird behavior when it comes to books - I know if I start reading one, I'll read it as continuously as possible until it's finished. Stupid analogy: when that happens I think of the West Wing episode where Leo is explaining how he can't just have one drink - he has to get smashed. I have to... get book-smashed. But anyway, I think this reading style is part of the reason I haven't finished certain books: long, complex things like Gravity's Rainbow or Ulysses physically can't be read the way I got used to reading when I was a kid. I did a good job pacing myself with Norwegian Wood; maybe this summer I could take on an intimidating book without reverting to marathon reading sessions and long, forgetful rests.


Anonymous said...

I read the same way. It works for lighter books like Asimov's stuff but for something like Atlas Shrugged it takes four solid days. Anyway, what did you think of Ender's Game?

Unknown said...

I have a lot to say about Ender's Game, actually - I'm working on a long and kind of academic post about it.