Sunday, May 13, 2007


Classes ended for the school year. I partied for four days straight, made some new friends, was hung over, took some finals, got a blue belt in BJJ, and threw a party for my graduating friend.

The BJJ thing is a big deal to me. Belts aren't easy to come by. I'd been a white belt for two years, and I do actually put some work into it. I feel like this is something I have to live up to. I don't feel like I am as good now as the blue belts I know were when they were my "age." Maybe that's because they and I have been improving, so we don't have an objective measure of how good anyone is or was. I feel like I have responsibilities now. Mostly they involve being a good "big sister" type to new people, and working hard so I don't suck at BJJ myself. The Indianapolis tournament is going to be a whole new animal now.

1 comment:

肉圓不加大蒜Jason said...
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