Monday, April 09, 2007

sick is the new well

I was sick this weekend, so I didn't hang out with people very much. It's amazing how much I can get done when I'm avoiding doing anything. I caught up on some homework and made soup. I'm very proud of this soup and plan to eat it for lunch all week. I'm not totally done with all my homework yet, but I am also not feeling as frustrated as when I took three weeks to do one problem, because those two problems are done.

I also returned a vetoed bridesmaid dress, and my fight shorts have been shipped. I'm especially excited about the shorts. I bet I'll have them by Saturday. I hope I am feeling better enough tomorrow that I can enjoy BJJ.

Do I want to be a professor at a gigantic research university? I've always assumed I do, but I think that's because everyone assumes that is what PhD students want. Would I be happier at a smaller tech college or something? The truth is, I don't want to work hard in a discouraging environment with the threat of failure hanging over me at every turn. And it's beginning to sound like that's how it'd feel, competing for tenure with half a dozen other young faculty.

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