Tuesday, April 03, 2007

it helps to have company

From this post at Pandagon about why feminism is good for men, too:

The other side of the exercise and diet analogy is that healthy lifestyles tend to be easier and more rewarding in the collective. Eating better is much more fun if you have people who like the same food you do. Exercising is better around people who value it like you do. Feeling better is much more rewarding if you live with people who can keep up. Same with feminism—men who live in communities where their male friends are also feminist-minded and where they can have those meaningful relationships and friendships with feminist women tend to have a lot more reasons to embrace feminism. There’s not much reward to it if you have no access to women you can have those deeper relationships with and your male friends give you non-stop hell for your beliefs.

I've definitely noticed that it's easier to be virtuous in a lot of ways if everyone else around you is, too. It's even possible to be accidentally virtuous. For instance, I've been accidentally vegetarian for weeks at a time, just because I hang out with vegetarian people. I think that as feminists increase in number, accidental feminism will similarly become more common.

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