Saturday, November 18, 2006

no time for losers

I was great at bjj today. We worked on open guard, which I have been trying to pay more attention to. I was glad because I love to play guard in general, and I feel like I have a lot more freedom when I can switch between closed and open. A push is no good without a pull, that kind of thing. This all started a while ago when everyone was doing koala guard for a month straight. Today it was butterfly. I feel like I am starting to understand how to use my feet as hooks to throw guys around. It's weird - on Tuesday I felt all clumsy, couldn't make anything work, and today I'm a genius of balance. I am having jiujitsu mood swings.

Last night at about midnight F. and Bdon and G. and I all decided to make a pie. It was delicious, but maybe midnight pie is not such a good idea - when it was done, I just ate my slice and went straight home to sleep. Pie time should be more social.

I feel like I will be able to get a lot done this week because I am on break from class, but I think my expectations are getting kind of unrealistic. Time seems to go faster than it did back in the day. What used to be "a whole hour!" has turned into "only an hour?" somehow.

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