Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Farm shares are exciting

F. and I get to pick up our farm share today. Last week was our first week ever of farm share vegetables, and it's been awesome. F. has been making and freezing soup -- we would have just eaten it, but his parents visited and brought at least a week's worth of food so we have to store it somehow. This week we get some greens, various root vegetables, apples, and basil (from a local farm that has greenhouses). I might use the basil and carrots to make Thai curry. That would be delicious. So far I love having a farm share because I get a surprise every week. It's like Christmas but with vegetables.


Priya said...

I have a friend in California who is thinking of joining a farm share...where she lives, they go year-round and you get AVOCADOS in the winter. Talk about an awesome weekly present. :)

Unknown said...

This one is also year-round because they have partner farms all up and down the east coast. (Including Florida!) I got an avocado last week, and they promise citrus in the winter. Sweet!