Monday, March 07, 2005


I took the qualifying exam Saturday, and I might have passed it. There were some problems I thought were really bad, but it seemed like everyone else who did those problems agreed. I figure I'm okay, then, because they can't just fail all the electromagnetics students.

Several of my friends (and Matt) went out with me to my local afterward, and I had some very nice new kinds of beer. Particularly noteworthy were Great Divide Wild Raspberry Ale and Celebrator Doppelbock. Also I've been buying indulgent things on ebay.

I can play video games again, and I've got Pikmin (1 followed by 2), Prince of Persia, and Sly 2 for that purpose. Those will probably help me hold on while I pray for the game types to hurry up with Final Fantasy 12 or the new Zelda or something.

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