Monday, May 12, 2008


My camera broke a while ago, so I haven't had the same motivation to post as I did when I always had a delicious dinner picture to put up. A new one is on its way to me right now, though, so I thought I'd get back into the habit of posting.

Last time I went shopping, I bought a couple of cans of black beans, but returned home to discover that I already had more than a couple cans of black beans. Faced with a cabinetry crisis, it was clear that I must make something out of black beans for dinner, and soon. This recipe sounded delicious and the inside-out presentation intrigued me, but I admit that I mostly chose it for the photo. By a lucky coincidence I happened to have bread crumbs (if you are gluten-free like my mom, maybe besan flour or something would work), and the patty "dough" was very easy to put together. Since I can't post a photo of what my own dinner looked like, you will have to go look at that one. Unlike many internet recipes, my version actually looked a lot like the picture. I have enough leftover patties to have some people over for dinner, and I am happy enough with the deliciousness level that I probably will.

Also, one of my out-of-town friends told me the other day, "I hear you're looking good these days." That's right. But what I want to know is, who spilled the beans?

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