Tuesday, January 23, 2007


In his most recent advice article, Cary Tennis suggested that a man should leave his cheating, unrepentant wife. So far, so good. But then he said the guy should get in touch with some fathers' rights groups for support. Uh. Those are the guys who think domestic violence happens as often against men as it does against women, right? The guys who think a man shouldn't have to pay child support unless he gets to see the kids, even if there are good reasons not to let him? These guys think women are always lying: at home about whether they're on the pill or not, and in court about whether their husbands were abusive. You recommend a guy get over his irresponsible wife by taking up hating women as a hobby? Bad form, Cary.

Also, I'm in a class with a discussion board, and one of the ongoing assignments is to post about the weekly readings. People often post about themselves and how the readings relate to their lives or past work or whatever. But one response was kind of weirdly defensive. It seemed like, confronted with scholarly works that challenge previous experience, this person's response to suggestions for improvement to existing methods was "but that's harrrrd" and the response to a description of various levels of cognitive development was "did you just call me dumb?"

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