These days there is no such thing as me minding my own business. I mostly enjoy it - not many people go out of their way to say they disapprove of my [green] hair, but plenty of them tell me they dig it. A few people, perhaps struck dumb by my stylishness, can only manage "Hey! Ayyy, green!" - sometimes I smile and wave, other times I tell them I already knew about that. I think looking unusual makes people more willing to approach me. People on the bus, on the street, in the hallway at work, at jiujitsu class, at the park, and at the grocery store all have an opinion. Everybody on the street normally (when my hair is brown) just avoids eye contact. In some ways, this is a lot better.

Your picture is awesome. (:
I got more compliments on the photo of you in my office.
hehe, that reminds me of the time someone randomly left a note on my bike saying i had awesome hair. but yeah, having had purple and blue hair for 6 years i have also had many similar experiences. it's weird though when people tell you they don't realize that you have purple hair anymore since they've known you for so long with it. :)
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